Unit 5: Land-Based Empires (Political Patterns and Processes)

Project Overview

This project aims to explore the political patterns and processes of major land-based empires from c. 1450 to c. 1750. You will investigate the development of the Manchu, Russian, Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal, Songhai, Tokugawa, Incan, and Aztec empires. You will discover how rulers maintained their power, religious developments, and the evolution of political entities. The project will span approximately 8 to 13 hours and include interactive activities, presentations, quizzes, and engaging multimedia resources. By the end of this project, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how these empires shaped the modern world.

Project Breakdown

Materials Needed:

Session 1: Exploration of Land-Based Empires

Definition of Land-Based Empires: Land-based empires are large territories ruled by a centralized government, often characterized by military conquests, administrative structures, and cultural integration.

Overview of Empires from c. 1450 to c. 1750: 

Importance of Geography in the Expansion of Empires: Geography played a crucial role in the expansion of these empires. For example, the Ottoman Empire benefited from its strategic location between Europe and Asia, facilitating trade and cultural exchange. The Mughal Empire thrived due to the fertile plains of northern India, which supported agriculture and trade.


Definition of Land-Based Empires: Land-based empires are large territories ruled by a centralized government, often characterized by military conquests, administrative structures, and cultural integration.

Lesson Plan: Mapping Historical Empires

Materials Needed:

Lesson Outline


Why is it important to know the territories of these empires?

How do geography and culture influence the development of a nation or empire?

Introduction to Empires 

Introduction the nine empires: Manchu Empire, Russian Empire, Ottoman Empire, Safavid Empire, Mughal Empire, Songhai Empire, Tokugawa Shogunate, Incan Empire, and Aztec Empire.

You will be mapping the territories of these empires to visualise their extent and influence.

The Rise of the Ottoman Empire


Which empire did you find most interesting or surprising, and why, based on its geographical and cultural characteristics?

Session 2: Development of the Empires 


Key leaders in Each Empire

Safavid Empire


Chat Room: Sonni Ali

Suleiman the Magnificent Chat Room

Emperor Kangxi Chat

Chat with Peter the Great

Get up and personal with Shah Abbas

Shah Jahan: A Conversation

Tokugawa Ieyasu spills the beans

What’s up Atahualpa?

An Audience with Moctezuma II

Session 3: Maintaining Power
You Didn’t Know This About Sonni Ali Of The Songhai Empire

Strategies Used by Rulers to Maintain Control: 

The Role of Religion in Legitimizing Power: Religion played a vital role in governance. The Mughal emperors, like Akbar, promoted a syncretic religion called Din-i Ilahi to unify their subjects, while the Safavid rulers enforced Twelver Shiism to consolidate their power.

Comparison of Governance Styles among the Empires: Each empire had distinct governance styles, influenced by cultural and historical contexts. The Ottoman Empire was known for its millet system, which allowed religious communities to govern themselves, while the Manchu Empire implemented a dual administration system that combined traditional Chinese governance with Manchu customs.

Session 4: Political Entities and Boundaries
The rise and fall of the Mughal Empire


Examine Modern Implications of Historical Empires: The legacies of these empires continue to shape contemporary politics and conflicts. For example, the borders drawn during the decline of the Ottoman Empire have influenced modern Middle Eastern geopolitics.

Lesson Plan: Categorizing Nations, Nation-States, and Multi-Nation States

Lesson Outline


What do you understand by the terms “nation,” “nation-state,” and “multi-nation state.”?


What characteristics define each empire as a nation, nation-state or multi-nation state?


For each empire, consider:

What is a nation-state?


Define the three classifications

Session 5: Factors Leading to State Fragmentation
The Fall of the Qing Dynasty


Final Quiz

Remember – you can ask your expert leaders for help with the final quiz.


This project on land-based empires will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of political patterns and processes from c. 1450 to c. 1750. Through research, collaborative activities, and multimedia resources, you will have engaged with the material in a fun and meaningful way. By examining the complexities of governance, culture, and military strategies, you will have gained insights into how these historical empires continue to influence modern political landscapes.

Rubric for Empire Analysis Activities

Criteria1 – Needs Improvement2 – Satisfactory3 – Good4 – Excellent
Map CreationMap is unclear or missing key territories.Map includes some territories but lacks detail.Map is clear and includes most territories accurately.Map is detailed, clear, and accurately highlights all territories held by each empire.
Virtual Chat with Empire LeadersLimited information gathered; questions were unclear or irrelevant.Some relevant information gathered, but lacks depth.Good information gathered with relevant questions asked.Comprehensive information gathered; insightful and relevant questions were asked.
Virtual Chat with Chosen Empire LeaderLittle to no understanding of power maintenance; vague responses.Basic understanding of power maintenance; some relevant points.Clear understanding of how power was maintained with relevant examples.In-depth understanding of power maintenance with detailed examples and insights.
Identification of Important Female FigureNo identification or irrelevant figure chosen.Basic identification of a female figure, lacking detail.Relevant female figure identified with some context provided.Significant female figure identified with thorough context and impact explained.
Categorization of EmpiresIncorrect categorization with little reasoning.Basic categorization with minimal reasoning.Accurate categorization with good reasoning provided.Thorough and insightful categorization with strong reasoning and examples.
Poster ActivityPoster is unclear or missing key elements.Poster includes some elements but lacks detail.Poster is clear and includes most elements accurately.Poster is detailed, clear, and accurately presents all required elements, including names, classifications, and visual representations.
Debate ActivityLittle to no identification of causes; arguments lack clarity.Basic identification of causes with minimal examples.Clear identification of causes with relevant historical examples provided.In-depth analysis of causes with strong arguments, relevant examples, and effective rebuttals to opposing viewpoints.
