Unit 4: Cultural Patterns and Processes

Welcome to our exploration of cross-cultural interactions and cultural spread! Over the next 2 to 3 days, we’ll dive deep into how different cultures influence each other and how cultural practices move around the world. Whenever you are asked to consider something you must find someone to discuss your thoughts with at this point.

BEFORE YOU START: Buzz to the extension activity at the end and look at the recipes. Choose at least one and make a list of the ingredients you will need.

To start, let’s watch a short video to get us thinking about culture:

After watching, consider:

Throughout this unit, we’ll be using these key terms:

Cross-cultural interactionCultural fusionMigration
GlobalizationK-PopCultural diversity
Cultural exchangeCultural biasEthnocentrism
Cultural appropriationIntercultural communicationCultural diffusion
Silk RoadToleranceMulticulturalism

Language diffusion is the process by which a language or its features spread from one area to another

Cross-cultural interactions occur when people from different cultural backgrounds come into contact and exchange ideas, practices, or goods. In our globalized world, these interactions happen more frequently than ever before.

Positive effects of cross-cultural interactions:Negative effects of cross-cultural interactions:
Cultural exchange and learningCultural misunderstandings and conflicts
Technological and scientific advancementsLoss of traditional practices and languages
Diverse perspectives in problem-solvingCultural appropriation
Economic growth through international tradeSpread of diseases

Short note making. Share a personal experience with cross-cultural interaction. Note: – What was the context of the interaction? – What did you learn from the experience? – Were there any challenges or misunderstandings?

Cultural practices can spread through various means:

Historical Example: The Silk Road

The Silk Road was a network of trade routes connecting East and West, primarily between China and the Mediterranean region. It was active from around 200 BCE to the 15th century CE.

Effects of the Silk Road:

The Silk Road Adventure Game – OPTION ONE


The Silk Road Adventure Game – OPTION TWO

Welcome, young explorers! Today we’re going to embark on an exciting journey along the ancient Silk Road. This game will test your knowledge about this important trade route and help you learn more about the cultural exchanges that happened along the way.

Game Setup
This is a text-based adventure game. You’ll be presented with scenarios and choices. Your decisions will affect your journey along the Silk Road. Your goal is to successfully travel from Chang’an (modern-day Xi’an) in China to Rome, trading goods and experiencing cultural exchanges along the way.
For each choice you make you must have a valid reason.

Starting the Journey
You are a merchant in ancient China, about to embark on a journey along the Silk Road. You start in Chang’an with 100 gold coins and must choose what goods to take with you.

Choice 1: Select your primary trade good
1. Silk
2. Tea
3. Porcelain
> Silk was the most famous trade good on the Silk Road, but tea and porcelain were also important exports from China.

The Journey Begins
As you leave Chang’an, you encounter other merchants. They tell you about the dangers and opportunities ahead.

Choice 2: How do you prepare for the journey?
1. Hire extra guards for protection
2. Buy a camel for desert travel
3. Learn some foreign languages
> Each choice has its benefits. Guards offer protection, camels are crucial for desert travel, and knowing languages can help in negotiations and cultural exchanges.

Desert Crossing
You’ve reached the treacherous Taklamakan Desert. This part of the journey is known for its harsh conditions.

Choice 3: How do you cross the desert?
1. Take the northern route around the desert
2. Take the southern route around the desert
3. Attempt to cross directly through the desert
> The northern and southern routes were safer but longer. Crossing directly was dangerous but could be faster if successful.

Cultural Exchange
You’ve reached the city of Samarkand, a major hub on the Silk Road. Here, you encounter merchants from Persia.

Choice 4: How do you interact with the Persian merchants?
1. Trade goods with them
2. Learn about their culture and religion
3. Ignore them and continue your journey
> Cultural exchange was a crucial aspect of the Silk Road. Trading, learning about other cultures, and religious exchanges were common.

Final Stretch
You’ve made it to the Mediterranean Sea. You’re almost at Rome, but you need to decide how to complete your journey.

Choice 5: How do you reach Rome?
1. Take a ship across the Mediterranean
2. Continue by land through Constantinople
3. Hire a guide to take you through unfamiliar territory
> Sea routes became increasingly important in later years of the Silk Road. Constantinople (modern-day Istanbul) was a crucial link between East and West.

Congratulations! You’ve completed your journey along the Silk Road. Based on your choices, you’ve not only traded goods but also experienced the rich cultural exchanges that made the Silk Road so important in history.
Remember, the real Silk Road wasn’t just about silk or trade – it was a complex network that facilitated the exchange of ideas, technologies, religions, and cultures between East and West over many centuries.

Explain your choices and reasons.

Colonialism, the practice of one country taking control of another, has had profound and lasting effects on cultural patterns around the world. We will explore how colonialism impacted different regions and provide examples of colonial influences that can still be seen today.

1. Language

One of the most significant impacts of colonialism was on language:

2. Religion

Colonialism often led to the spread of the colonizer’s religion:

3. Education Systems

Colonial powers often imposed their educational models:

4. Governance and Legal Systems

Many former colonies retained aspects of their colonizers’ systems:

5. Cultural Fusion

Banh Mi

Colonialism led to the blending of local and colonial cultures:

6. Economic Systems

Colonial economic patterns often persisted after independence:

Examples of Colonial Influence in Different Cultures

United States


Moeen Ali goes back to Sparkhill

Video: “The Unmaking of India: How the British Impoverished the World’s Richest Country” (16 minutes)


Video: “What was life like in colonial Mexico?” (2 minutes)


Video: “Has colonisation continued to shape Nigeria’s politics?” (5 minutes)

Trade has been a major driver of cultural exchange throughout history. Let’s look at some examples:

Colonialism has left an indelible mark on cultural patterns worldwide. Its effects can be seen in language, religion, education, governance, and many other aspects of daily life. Understanding these influences helps us appreciate the complex tapestry of global cultures and the historical forces that shaped them.

Video: “The Effects of Colonialism” by Crash Course (13 minutes)

Map Colonial Territories: Create a world map showing the extent of European colonialism at its peak (around 1914). Color-code the map to show which European countries controlled which territories.

Examples to include:

British Empire in India, parts of Africa, and the Caribbean, French colonies in North Africa and Indochina, Dutch East Indies (modern-day Indonesia), Portuguese colonies in Africa and South America.


Globalization has dramatically accelerated cross-cultural interactions in recent decades.

After watching, consider:

Case Study: K-Pop Global Phenomenon

K-Pop (Korean Popular Music) has become a global cultural force. Let’s explore its spread and impact:

Cultural Fusion 

Create a fictional “fusion” product that combines elements from two different cultures. This could be a food item, a style of music, or a fashion trend. Discuss the potential positive and negative impacts of this fusion. Draw it or create a short ad campaign (phone video?), or make a package design.

The internet and social media have revolutionized how cultural practices spread:

 Digital Cultural Exchange

Explore a cultural practice from another country using online resources, then teach this practice to someone else.


  1. Be open-minded and respectful
  2. Learn about other cultures
  3. Be aware of your own cultural biases
  4. Practice active listening
  5. Be patient and ask questions when unsure

Effective Cross-Cultural Communication: In our increasingly globalized world, the ability to communicate effectively across cultures is a vital skill. This activity will help you understand and practice key aspects of cross-cultural communication.

Activity Overview:

This activity consists of three parts: A. Cultural awareness self-assessment B. Case study analysis C. Role-playing exercise

How Culturally Savvy Are You?

Cultural awareness self-assessment:

Welcome to this personality quiz that will help you understand how well you navigate cross-cultural interactions! This quiz will assess your knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in various cultural scenarios. Remember, there are no right or wrong answers – just be honest about your experiences and thoughts.

Part B: Case Study Analysis


A U.S. company is expanding its operations to Japan. During a video conference, the American team proposes a new marketing strategy. The Japanese team remains silent throughout the presentation and doesn’t provide immediate feedback.


  1. Why might the Japanese team remain silent?
  2. How could this silence be interpreted differently by the American and Japanese teams?
  3. What strategies could the American team use to improve communication in this situation?
Part C: Role-Playing Activity

Choose a cross-cultural business meeting between representatives from two different countries.

As a pair, choose from:
– United States and Japan
– Brazil and Germany
– India and Australia

Everyone can communicate in the same language.

You’re discussing a potential business partnership. Research the basic cultural norms for your assigned country and incorporate them into the role-play.

Topics you could Cover
– Greetings and introductions
– Eating and drinking
– Presenting your business proposal
– Negotiating terms
– Handling disagreements
– Concluding the meeting

After the role-play, discuss:
1. What challenges did you face in communicating across cultures?
2. What strategies did you use to overcome these challenges?
3. What did you learn about effective cross-cultural communication?


Effective cross-cultural communication requires awareness, knowledge, and practice. By completing this activity, you’ve taken important steps towards improving your cross-cultural communication skills. Remember, these skills are valuable not only in business settings but in all aspects of our increasingly interconnected world.

Cross-Cultural Interactions Quiz

This multiple-choice quiz will test your knowledge about cross-cultural interactions and their effects on our global society. Choose the best answer for each question.

This lesson plan explores the culinary exchanges that occurred during the colonial era, with a focus on how ingredients and cooking techniques from different cultures influenced each other. You will learn about the historical context of colonial trade and migration, and how these factors shaped the development of fusion cuisines.

Learning Objectives

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: