Welcome to Pilgrimage Day
Aim & Objectives
- To know why people make pilgrimages.
- To recall details of religious pilgrimages and their own special journeys.
- To name some religious pilgrimages.
- To recall some details of religious pilgrimages.
- To recall their own special journeys.
- To understand the spiritual and moral implications to the individual undertaking a religious pilgrimage.
- To relate these to their own personal journeys.
Curriculum Link
Uk National Curriculum: KS2: Pilgrimage
Session One – Introduction to Pilgrimage
A pilgrimage is a journey, often into an unknown or foreign place, where a person goes in search of new or expanded meaning about themself, others, nature, or a higher good. It can lead to a personal change, after which the pilgrim returns to their daily life.
What is the meaning of pilgrimage from a Christian perspective?
Why would I go on a pilgrimage?
It is important to recognize that some pilgrimages are ‘religious’ whereas others are not.
Activity One:
a. Look at photos or remember experiences of trips to special places.
b. Listen to relaxing music / sounds while imagining you are in a wonderful place. Can you imagine how it looks, feels, sounds and smells?
c. Open your eyes and imagine you are going on a journey to the wonderful place. How would you prepare physically, mentally?
Session Two – Hajj
The Hajj is an annual Islamic pilgrimage to Mecca, Saudi Arabia, the holiest city for Muslims. It is a religious duty for Muslims that must be carried out at least once in their lifetime by all adult Muslims who are physically and financially capable of undertaking the journey. Mecca is considered by Muslims to be the holiest city of Islam. To visit Mecca you have to be a Muslim, non-Muslims are strictly prohibited to enter the city.
- Masjid al-Haram, the sacred mosque, Kaaba is the location where in Muslim believe Muhammad received the first verses of the Quran from God through the angel Jebril (Gabriel).
- Hajj pilgrims travel constantly between Mecca and Mina (also known as the Tent City). In the Jamarat Area is the site of the symbolic stoning of the Devil.
- Muzdalifah is the desert where the pilgrims spend the night.
- Mount Arafat, near Mecca, is the hill is the place where the prophet Muhammad delivered the Farewell Sermon,
Millions of Hajj pilgrims reaching Mecca – BBC News
Muslims circle the Kaaba at start of annual Hajj pilgrimage
Hajj: 7 things you don’t know about the Muslim Pilgrimage – BBC News
Activity Two:
Draw a picture (or color a picture) of the Kaaba using the videos to inform your design. Label your drawing as clearly as you can.
Session Three – Lourdes
Lourdes is a small market town lying in the foothills of the Pyrenees, France. Prior to the mid-19th century, the town was best known for the Château fort de Lourdes, a fortified castle that rises up from a rocky escarpment at its center.
In 1858 Lourdes rose to prominence in France and abroad due to the Apparitions (supernatural appearances of the Virgin Mary) claimed to have been seen by the peasant girl Bernadette Soubirous.
Shortly thereafter the city became one of the world’s most important sites of pilgrimage and religious tourism.
Today Lourdes hosts around six million visitors every year from all corners of the world. This constant stream of pilgrims and tourists transformed quiet Lourdes into the second most important center of tourism in France.
Pilgrims flock to Lourdes, France for 154th anniversary of apparitions
Lourdes – A Pilgrimage Introduction
Some of the places people visit at Lourdes include:
- Grotto of Massabeille where the apparitions of Our Lady took place.
- Boly Mill where Bernadette was born.
- Cachot – an abandoned prison where Bernadette’s family lived.
- Nevers – where she went join the Sisters of Charity of Nevers.
Activity Three:
A little sneaky handwriting practice – copy out the ‘Prayer by St Bernadette Soubirous’.
How happy my soul was, good mother, when I had the good fortune to gaze upon you!
How I love to recall the pleasant moments spent under your gaze, so full of kindness and mercy for us.
Yes, tender Mother, you stooped down to earth to appear to a mere child. You, the Queen of Heaven and Earth chose to use what is weakest in the eyes of men.
O Mary, give the precious virtue of humility to she who dares to call herself your child. O loving Mother, help your child to resemble you in everything and every way.
In a word, grant that I may be a child according to your heart and the heart of your dear son. Amen.
Session Four – Buddhist Pilgrimages
The most important places of pilgrimage in Buddhism are located in the Gangetic plains (Ganges) of Northern India and Southern Nepal. This is the area where Gautama Buddha lived and taught, and the main sites connected to his life are now important places of pilgrimage for both Buddhists and Hindus.
The main sites of the Buddhist pilgrimages include these places (we’ll be visiting these on Google Earth shortly):
- Lumbini: birthplace of Gautama Buddha (in Nepal).
- Bodh Gaya: (in the current Mahabodhi Temple, Bihar, India), is the most important religious site and place of pilgrimage, the Mahabodhi Temple houses what is believed to be the Bodhi Tree where the Buddha realized enlightenment and Buddhahood.
- Sarnath: (formally Isipathana, Uttar pradesh, India) where Gautama Buddha delivered his first teaching.
- Kuśinagara: (now Kushinagar, Uttar Pradesh, India) where Gautama Buddha died and attained Parinirvana.
In the Buddha’s footsteps |Pilgrimage|
Activity Four:
Read about the life of the Buddha.
Session Five (Activity Five:) – Pilgrimages by Air
You can also explore the places of pilgrimages using Google Maps or the Google Earth App.
Session Six (Activity Six:) – Modeling a Pilgrimage
Use your legos, modeling clay, dinosaurs, whatever your have to make images of a pilgrimage and take photos of your models. Let’s be honest here – Hajj and models of the Kaaba are really the best bet for lego fans. Make some models, take some photos, and make a comic style story of a pilgrimage. Like this.
You can either print out, cut, and paste your comic on a template or you could use Comic Life (computer) or HalfTone 2 (iPad app).
Session Seven (Activity Seven:) – Pilgrimage Quiz
What is your Pilgrim’s Progress?
Take this quiz about pilgrimage. Find out how much you know and what kind of pilgrim you are.

Session Eight (Activity Eight:) – Wrap Up – Let’s get personal…
Think of a special memory – hopefully a happy one. Think of a day that you remember so clearly and an event that was special to you. It could be a special vacation, a party, getting a pet, or meeting a special person. Remember the place and the time. Imagine going back there. That would be a pilgrimage… Write about it in a daily journal. Draw pictures. Go back to that special time. That’s what pilgrimages are all about.