
Happy Vaisakhi!

Vaisakhi, also pronounced Baisakhi, marks the first day of the month of Vaisakh and is a celebration of spring harvest primarily in Northern India. Whilst it is culturally significant as a festival of harvest, some also consider Vaisakhi to be the legitimate date for the Indian Solar New Year. 

April 14th Each year is the Sikh celebration of Vaisakhi. Vaisakhi is observed on the 13th or 14th of April every year in the 21st century. However, in 1801 AD, it fell on 11 April. This is because the date of Vaisakhi keeps changing slowly over years. Vaisakhi would fall on 29th April in Year 2999.

Follow this trail of links to find out more and Happy Vaisakhi!

What is Vaisakhi?

What is a Sikh?

Try out this paper cutting and folding activity.

The art of paper folding and cutting is a traditional Sikh craft.

The image symbolises Vaisakhi through:

  • drum (The dhol drum is used to play the rhythm of Bhangra, a celebratory dance and music style)
  • khalsa symbol (A double-edged sword which symbolizes the ability of truth to cut through the duality of illusion, and a circle representing unity)
  • wheat (harvest)
  • decorations (celebration)