Agriculture and Rural Land-Use Patterns and Processes
Most plants are like Goldilocks – they need temperatures that are not too hot and not too cold!
Most plants are like Goldilocks – they need temperatures that are not too hot and not too cold!
Unit 6: Transoceanic Interconnections Duration: 4 to 6 hours ObjectivesStudents will understand the concept of the Columbian Exchange and its significance in history.Students will analyze the impacts of the Columbian […]
Unit 5: Land-Based Empires (Political Patterns and Processes) Project Overview This project aims to explore the political patterns and processes of major land-based empires from c. 1450 to c. 1750. […]
The addition of the Americas to the Global Trade Network is arguably THE theme of the next period. For now, get to know the Americas before the Spanish arrive.
The Indigenous peoples of the Americas are the inhabitants of the Americas before the arrival of the European settlers in the 15th century, and the ethnic groups who now identify themselves with those peoples.
The trans-Atlantic slave trade peaked in the late 18th century, when the largest number of slaves were captured on raiding expeditions into the interior of West Africa.
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Through studying the local history of Saint Paul, MN, we will develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of local history, note connections, contrasts and trends over time, and understand how our knowledge of the past is constructed from a range of sources.
The objective of this unit is to enable you to develop a chronologically secure knowledge and understanding of American history.