Cell Communications Days
Cell Communication |
Feedback |
Signal Transduction |
Endocrine System |
Nervous System |
Section One – Introduction
Cells communicate by sending and receiving signals. Signals may come from the environment, or they may come from other cells. In order to trigger a response, these signals must be transmitted across the cell membrane. Sometimes the signal itself can cross the membrane.
Activity One:
Watch this video and complete the following activity.
Section Two – Cell Communication to Endocrine System
Complete the Week 22: Communication 4.4.1 to 4.4.4 on senecalearning.com.
Activity Two:
Complete diagrams of The Endocrine System for both males and females in your Lab Notebook. You can draw this however your want. Here is an example and a template (if you want it).

Section Three – Blood Glucose and Diabetes
Complete the Week 22: Communication 4.4.5 to 4.4.8 on senecalearning.com.
Activity Three:
Watch the following videos and Complete the following activity on creating an artificial pancreas using the Arduino here.
There is a short version of the experiment procedure itself here:
Section Four – Nervous System
Complete the Week 23: Communication 4.5 on senecalearning.com.
Activity Four:
Complete diagrams of The Anatomy of The Eye for in your Lab Notebook. You can draw this however your want. Here is an example:
Cell Communication
Overview quiz about the topic. Very general.