Punctuation Day

Welcome to Punctuation Day:

The crash course to mastering basic punctuation and sentence structure.

Session 1 – End marks, capitalization, and commas.

End Marks

Penguins on Ice.

Sentence Shooter.

Pin bored.


Blown Away.


Commas Quiz (print out results)

Session 2 – Contractions, apostrophes, and speech marks.



Possessive Apostrophes

Possessive Apostrophes

Speech Marks

Speech Marks (print answers)

Session 3 – Fragments, run-ons, and comma splices.

Fragments & Run-ons

Fragment, run-on, or sentence.

Fragment, run-on, or sentence.

Comma Splices

Identify Comma Splices

Session 4 – The complete sentence.

General (complete punctuation)

Choose Two of these games or activities.

Add capitals and full stops. (print your answers)

Splat to punctuate.

Trapped – Punctuation.

Punctuation video.

Trapped – sentences

Alien Punctuation

Comma Chameleon.

Session 5 – wrap up!

Punctuation Quiz – Level 1

Are you ready for the punctuation quiz? 
Have a go and see if you can get a top score.